Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I spent some more time with my Aunt Sally lately and this woman never ceases to amaze me. She's been reduced to walking with a walker which even that is a challenge for her now. Her legs get in her way more than anything but it didn't stop this woman from climbing into my Jeep so that I could take her to dinner. She just had me bring her a foot stool and to stand behind her in case she would fall back. It took a few minutes as this 63 year old Cerebral Palsy riddled woman who's so short that even the bottom of the front seat meets her at her chest climbed right in and got comfortable. She doesn't like to go to restaurants for the difficulty of getting in and out and her distaste of folks staring at her with any pity. Yet, for the first time ever she agreed to me taking her somewhere. The restaurant and a gift shop and she just took her time scooting her walker around and even with the walker she has a hard time moving. It was a proud moment for me and I could see for her too! I love this woman for her love, her courage and for staying true to herself in spite of the world and people around her constantly trying to challenge that. She inspired yet another poem I'd like to share.

Ride on soul star dreamer to a right on held high
Let your soul take on Sally's pride if she'll work it
Can she just get a human slice right for a piece
Body’s wrapped itself up to a different drum song
The drummer plays on south while her soul heads high
Can you dig her playin from inside a real time gig
Sally brings to you a feel me not see me step
She flips up a power of mind over body claim

Riding along with her baby boy through a darkly hicktion
Smiling righteous because he understands her reality
He’s proud to be an elemental fierce lord of light for her
She basks in his sparklin playful high stepin connection
Sally can be a hard one to those who pity so blindly
She’ll slap down a Betty and flame back a bitter swill
Look to her with a feel good sensational held up sweet
She can bring you to a world of Sally Walker fulfillment

Sally held it up high today for her baby boy who dreams of joy
Her baby boy brought to her a sequent red dress to slip on right
A pair of party slippers she slipped on for a howlin time tight
Dance for me those that don't see me under a crown so gracious
Hop on her train to a bliss so rich of baked apples and sweet tea
Her baby boy laughed aloud to a treat they savored soulfully
The baby boy also a man of a darkness drag recovery holds his marvel
Could she be more a Queen of her own control guarded in well

Sally loves the joy she gives freely if you work just her mind
It’s a ticket on a train whose spirit shines through the darktion
Time can never be enough to hold such an unconditional drive
Her love can lift you from your knelt down destructional cry
Hold your heart and believe she's golden righteous and forgiving
She only seeds in honest words work and committed lush treats
Through her distrust she peers to your soul in order to deal
This her boy holds on a slice of undeniable glory and Sallypride

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