Monday, April 16, 2007

Isn’t My Beloved Mother, Joy

Hello again my friends! Today I bring you a touch of the spiritual and a whole lotta Momma. Through my many journeys discovering my own spirituality and faith, like some I gather in many aspects of myth. These myths have helped me on my way in understanding my own spirit and faith. One such myth has brought me a lot of comfort and joy. Angels have helped me enjoy my life just a bit more and brought me love when I felt none. I've had several in my life but the one closest to my heart is Joy. Her name is Joy that is. A friend one day gave me a book on how to find your personal angel. It told you to sit quietly and just let the name come to you. Joy came to me.

One day I was thinking a lot about my mother, who passed, 15 years ago at the young age of 48. A lot of the warm and comforting thoughts that flowed through me of my Mother reminded me a lot of Joy. It dawned on me the possibility that Joy and my Mother were now one and the same. And so this passage of thoughts to words surrounding rhythm was composed.

Isn’t My Beloved Mother, Joy

Joy speaks my angel’s breath
Floats in to hold my heart’s passion
in wings precious and whole
The sweet Lord, I’m not sure to deny
And for that I have cried
pictured lips confess what has
left me because of persecution
For our persecution we cry the fight
Joy can I receive a life that mirrors
my dreams, my spiritual
Embracing me I can sense my Joy
She carols to me a joyous flavor
I sing to my angel, who smiles
from a voluminous heart
Joy stands here, no sky around her
In my stretch she radiates
Joy is here to drag my blood
With a glorious smile and blues
Sweet Lord can she posses me
Take of me some disease
in which to overflow her vile
Fill them all good God
More to grant, plenty to fill a prescription
Weak is this to dispense
some of me in trade
Yet Joy holds my vein as it is milked
I ask her to hold my soul
And whisper a dream
Breathe to me some honeyed freshness
Take my song to her brightness
To reach my mother Joy
Her pride in me to have found my way
Her Joy in me behind her poignant kiss goodbye
Oh cherished little hope comforts her shine
Mamma’s sweet loving sound
Take this sharpness away
Isn’t my beloved Mother, Joy

My Mamma can be my truest dream
from time to time
Her loving spirit gives her children
a high winged flight in a blue sky bright
Devours my dreadful pain and beats out
my Black Blood Demon fight
She sings my heart a peaceful blow
Sweet dreams Mamma my Angel Joy
I look too hard not to let my simple life
be my happy soul, I know
Mamma I cry and reach to my heaven
Bring me hope, daughter to a southern woman’s’ womb
My blessed Angel Joy my Mother
Sing sweet love to me a joyful
Precious Mother, Angel, Joy

D.Lynam 10/98

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