Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Journeyman's Bitter Junket

I feel I'm a pretty passionate person and I don't necessarily have to understand exactly how someone feels to understand or empathize a bit their plight etc. Yet, even though I've not been bashed or set on fire by some self-loather my rage erupts no less than if I had. I didn't know Matthew but he was my brother in the life. This was some passionate thoughts that came about after seeing the docudrama on his tragic and horrific end.

For you Matthew, for my brothers and sisters and for anyone who's humanity was rocked by Matthew's story. This is for our strength and the souls they'll never take away from us no matter how hard they try.

A Journeyman's Bitter Junket

You work a black heart enough
Trick with a slick shake prowl
Stake your claim on a killer justice
Despise a stock and trade ride
A journeyman's bitter junket
Slash our passion trip Sallyride
Pull it out to rape our cloak out
Beat your thorn to spill blood
As if to reign a kingdom of god
Where's the Mother's pride in it
Oh Hellion rake your shriek back
Sell that policy back to its red hanky left
Father of your delightful deception
Hold tight to your wrenching strain
It’s not just a solitary soulful state
That you inflict on but a Queer Nation
A thicktion of The Kingdom of God

D Lynam 12/04/98

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